Personal Program: Week 3

I’m playing catch up! I’m really sorry for being 2 weeks behind on posting. I got SUPER busy, and even though I wrote them I haven’t had time to edit and post. SO I’m taking tonight to just recoup and update the blog with my program updates over the past couple weeks! So here’s the first catch up post…
Herbs and Supplement Schedule
Week 1
Morning: -500 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
– 1 Woman’s Multivitamin (Megafood Woman’s One Daily brand)
Evening: -500 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
– 20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 (1200mg Ca 1000 D3) calcium tablet
Daily total: 1000mg Pueraria mirifica, 2000mg Paeonia lactiflora, 1200mg Calcium, 1 woman’s multivitamin
Week 2
Morning: -500 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 Woman’s Multivitamin (Megafood Woman’s One Daily brand)
Evening: -1000 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 (1200mg Ca 1000 D3) calcium tablet
Daily total: 1500 mg Pueraria mirifica, 2000mg Paeonia lactiflora, 1200mg Calcium, 1 woman’s multivitamin
Week 3
Morning: -1000 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 Woman’s Multivitamin (Megafood Woman’s One Daily brand)
Evening: -1500 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 (1200mg Ca 1000 D3) calcium tablet
Daily total: 2500 mg Pueraria mirifica, 2000mg Paeonia lactiflora, 1200mg Calcium, 1 woman’s multivitamin
Week 4
Morning: -500 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 Woman’s Multivitamin (Megafood Woman’s One Daily brand)
Evening: -1000 mg Ainterol (Pueraria mirifica extract)
-20 drops (1000mg) liquid White Peony (Paeonia lactiflora) root extract
-1 (1200mg Ca 1000 D3) calcium tablet
Daily total: 1500 mg Pueraria mirifica, 2000mg Paeonia lactiflora, 1200mg Calcium, 1 woman’s multivitamin
Followed by a 2 Week Supplement Break
Massage Routine:
Every morning and evening: 150 Female Deer Breast Massage Rotations, followed by 200 Chi Breast Massage Rotations
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday use Ainterol brand Pueraria mirifica breast cream while doing massage. Every other day use coconut oil as the massage oil.
Noogleberry Routine:
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday evening 1 hour of pumping in between Female Deer and Chi breast massages.
Consistent use of massage and noogleberry routine, no breaks.
Starting measurements:
Bust: 92cm or 36 ½ inches
Waist: 31 inch
Hip: 37 inch
Notes for this week:
Again…no measurable difference. BUT! I have noticed that the nipple themselves are a bit bigger! They’ve been SUPER sore, so that’s exciting! Not just me too, Nix commented on how big they are, so something’s growing!
Mental State:
Again, no change in mental state. Last week I know I was fatigued and sluggish but that was totally just sleeping patterns. Feeling great this week!
Physical State:
Heartburn’s not that bad this week! Seems to be dissipating, my body may be more accustomed to it? Which is good! No other noticeable negative side effects.
I suppose this could be seen as a negative side effect, but I did notice that my ejaculate was really runny. Seems that sperm production is down/ non-existent. Not that nothings coming out, just nothing to really thicken it. I’m not too worried about it, it was something I was prepared for, and trying to mitigate and damage in that regard with my cycling.
Program Thoughts:
Highest dose in my routine is this week! I’m interested to see if migraines start as this will be the toughest on my body and it’s a common side effect. Depending on how this week goes I may extend my routine cycle a little bit? We’ll see! All about that monitoring.
Closing Thoughts:
Was a super busy week, had a great time at floof, and looking like it’s just going to get busier! Doing another presentation this coming Monday, David’s leaving this week, lots of friend time and project organizing! I’m sorry if this/the next blog post are late. But working on it!